OpenFOAM Training and Workshop
in Zagreb, Croatia 26-28/Jan/2006

OpenFOAM Workshop

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB), University of Zagreb, Croatia and Wikki Ltd announce a 3-day OpenFOAM Training and Workshop in Zagreb, Croatia on 26-28 January 2006.

The idea of the workshop is to encourage the spread of OpenFOAM in the CFD community by helping the new users and developers to understand the layout, design and capabilities of the library. The Workshop will consist of two parts:

  • Software and architecture overview.

    Here, a guided tour of the OpenFOAM library and various top-level executables will be given, including overall design and some implementation details. The objective is to help the audience with their use of OpenFOAM and development work through better understanding of the library, tools and their capabilities. This will be followed by some OpenFOAM tutorials with the help of expert users. The training sessions will be given by dr. Hrvoje Jasak, the original OpenFOAM developer.

  • Examples of Application.

    In the second part, a number of speakers will presents their experience with OpenFOAM and results of past and present projects. The idea of this session is not only to illustrate the capabilities but also encourage exchange of information between OpenFOAM developers in various research and industrial institutions.

Workshop Agenda

Location: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
University of Zagreb
(Fakultet Strojarstva i Brodogradnje)
Ivana Lucica 5
10000 Zagreb
Blue Lecture Hall, East Building
(Plava dvorana, Istocna zgrada)
Time: 26-28th January 2006

Thursday, 26/Jan/2006
9.30-10.00 Welcome and Registration
10.00-12.30 OpenFOAM: Introductory Notes
Background and historical note
Short Introduction to C++
Discretisation and capabilities
Code organisation
Library overview, tutorials and documentation
12.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.00 Running OpenFOAM
Case organisation
Mesh generation
Pre-processing, running, post-processing
Parallel simulations with OpenFOAM
16.00-16.15 Coffee
16.15-18.00 Tutorial session, Open Q&A
Friday, 27/Jan/2006
9.30-10.30 Programming in OpenFOAM
Existing solvers and capabilities
Model implementation, virtual interfaces and run-time selection
Model libraries and their use
10.30-12.30 Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM (with Z. Tukovic, FSB Zagreb)
Polyhedral mesh support
Automatic mesh motion
Topological changes
Automatic polyhedral mesh generator
12.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.00 Adding new Capabilities
wmake build system, environment variables
New boundary condition
New sub-model: turbulence
Writing new applications and libraries
16.00-16.15 Coffee
16.15-18.00 Programming Guidelines and Patterns in OpenFOAM
Basic principles: data protection and public interfaces
Virtual function mechanism, run-time selection
Lazy evaluation
Templating in OpenFOAM
Container types, dictionaries and stream design
Code organisation and utility libraries
Saturday, 28/Jan/2006
10.00-12.00 OpenFOAM Projects and Case Studies, 1
Vlado Tropsa, High Technical School, Varazdin: OpenFOAM in non-linear stress analysis
Henrik Rusche: Numerical simulations of free surface and multi-phase flows with OpenFOAM
Zeljko Tukovic, FSB Zagreb: Free surface tracking simulations of rising bubbles
Tomasso Luccini, Politecnico di Milano: Internal combustion engine simulations in OpenFOAM
Petra Brajdic-Mitidieri, Imperial College: CFD in hydrodynamic lubrication
Giuseppe Franco, University of Trieste: Numerical simulation of cement-bonded castables
12.00-12.30 Future OpenFOAM Developments (Hrvoje Jasak)
12.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.30 OpenFOAM Projects and Case Studies, 2
Aleksandar Karac, UC Dublin: Fluid-solid interaction simulations with OpenFOAM
Hannes Kroger, University of Rostock: LES of mixing in a jet mixer and combustion in a premixed swirling free jet
Neven Duic, FSB Zagreb: Combustion and Radiation Modelling at FSB
Eugene de Villiers, Icon & Imperial College, UK: Large Eddy Simulation and Aeroacoustics with OpenFOAM. (Summary slides)
Gianluca D'Errico, Poly Milano: OpenFOAM projects at the Politecnico of Milano
Stanislav Sviderek, FSB Zagreb: CFD simulations of wind conditions on Maslenica Bridge
16.30-17.00 Open Q&A Session and Closure

Thank You!

The Workshop is now completed. The organisers, FSB Zagreb and Wikki Ltd would like to thank everyone for making it a success. For future OpenFOAM events, please follow the Wikki Ltd. web site and the OpenFOAM Wiki site and the OpenFOAM User Forum.

Location and Travel

The host in Zagreb has kindly provided the facilities for the workshop (conference room + tea/coffee). In order to keep the cost down and attract the largest possible audience, no attendance fees will be charged. Please consider organising your own travel plans and if you wish to participate in tutorial sessions, please bring your own computer.

Hotels in the Area

No special accommodation deal has been organised, but a list of convenient hotels is given below. For more info please visit the Zagreb Tourist Board web site.

The Regent Esplanade Zagreb Mihanoviceva 1 Tel +385 1 45-66-666
The Westin Zagreb Krsnjavoga 1 Tel +385 1 48-92-000
Hotel Dubrovnik Gajeva 1 Tel +385 1 48-63-500
Palace Hotel Zagreb Strossmayerov trg 10 Tel +385 1 48-14-611
Sheraton Zagreb Kneza Borne 2 Tel +385 1 45-53-535

For further information and registration of interest, please contact: or check the news section at the Foam CFD web site.

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