
The book of abstracts has been updated: for a download please click here. You can also directly browse through all material by clicking here.

Monday, June 25, 2012
Training Courses on OpenFOAM® Technology

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Level 1 (A/B/C)

Level 2 (E)

Level 2 (D)

Level 2 (D)

Running my First Case with OpenFOAM; I. Buntić-Ogor
(room: hassium)  (slides material)

A comprehensive tour of snappyHexMesh, E. de Villiers
(room: helium2) (slides)

Thin liquid film flow simulation with OpenFOAM; Z. Tuković
(room: titanium3) (slides material)

Turbomachinery; H. Nilsson
(room: germanium) (slides material)

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:45 Generic external aerodynamic simulation training; T. Grahs
(room: hassium) (slides material)

C++ in protectOpenFOAM - Object orientation, generic programming and polymorphism by examples ; T. Marić
(room: titanium3) (slides material)

A deeper look into Lagrangian spray source code; P. Keller
(room: germanium) (slides)

Multiphysics Simulation - Inter-Region and Inter-Equation Coupling in OpenFOAM; H. Jasak
(room: helium2) (slides)

12:45-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 How to add a Scalar Transport Equation to scalarTransportFoam; H. Rusche
(room: hassium) (slides material)

Programming Model Libraries from Scratch; K. Kissling
(room: titanium3) (slides material)

Immersed Boundary Method in OpenFOAM; Z. Tuković
(room: helium2) (slides material)

Marine Hydrodynamics; E. Patterson
(room: germanium) (slides material)

15:30-15:45 Coffee Break
15:45-17:45 Automatic testing of solvers using PyFOAM; B.F.W. Gschaider
(room: helium2) (slides material)

A brief Introduction to Function Objects; J. Höpken
(room: hassium) (slides)

Adaptive Tetrahedral Re-Meshing for Deforming Domain Simulations; K. Mooney
(room: germanium) (slides material)

Fluid Structure Interaction Simulations with OpenFOAM; M. Lombardi
(room: titanium3) (slides material)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

08:30*-08:45 Welcome & Plenary
08:45-09:30 Plenary
OpenFOAM - A year in review
; H. Jasak (slides)
09:30-10:00 Plenary
Modeling of endothelial mechanical conditions during microbubble enhanced blood-brain barrier disruption; W. Wiedemair, Z. Tuković, D. Poulikakos, V. Kurtcuoglu (slides)

Coffee Break
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 
& Heat and Mass Transfer

10:30-11:00 Validation of OpenFOAM for hydro power related applications; H. Nilsson, O.Petit, P. Moradnia, M. Gramlich (slides + animation)
Advanced Multiphase Modeling of Solidification with OpenFOAM; A. Vakhrushev, A. Ludwig, M.Wu, Y. Tang, G. Hackl, G. Nitz
Unsteady state simulation of thermal environment and compression heat pump; S. Ogata, H. Nakamura, H. Murata, H. Eguchi, K. Ohno, K. Saito, K. Ueno, K.Matsumoto (slides)

11:00-11:20 Numerical Simulation of the Vortex Rope in a Pump Turbine; T. Krappel, I. Buntic-Ogor, O. Kirschner, A. Ruprecht, S. Riedelbauch (slides)
Three-dimensional study of channel mesosegregation formation; V. F. De Felice, H. Combeau, M. Zaloznik, T. Quatravaux  Modeling of Airflow Dynamics in a Data Center Using OpenFOAM; H. Bhagwat, A. Singh, A. Sivasubramaniam

11:20-11:40 Hydraulic turbine spiral casing flow simulation using OpenFOAM; C. Devals, F. Guibault, T. C. Vu (slides)
Mesoscopic simulation of dentritic crystal growth in binary metal alloys; V. F. De Felice, M. Zaloznik, H. Combeau  Effect of curvature on turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in 1:4 aspect ratio 90 degree curved bend duct; M. Salahudeen, K. A. Prakash (slides)

11:40-12:00 Turbomachinery Validation with the Density Based OpenFOAM solver; M. R. Anderson (slides)
Simulation of fusion welding processes with OpenFOAM; A. Kidess, S. Kenjeres, C. Kleijn, C. Zhao, I. Richardson (slides) Transient Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulations on Radiator Temperature Cycle Tests; F. Brotz (slides)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

Aerodynamics & Turbulence Modelling I
Solid & Crack Mechanics
Free Surface & Interfacial Flow I

Fluid Structure Interaction
13:00-13:30 Helicopter fuselage wake prediction using Detached-Eddy Simulation methods in OpenFOAM; M. Fuchs, C. Mockett, M. Gual-Skopek, F. Le Chuiton, F. Thiele (slides)
Micro-Mechanical Modelling of Particle-Matrix Interaction in Nano-Toughened Adhesives; M. Leonard, A. Ivanković, N. Murphy, A. Karac 
A geometrical Volume-of-Fluid method on unstructured mesh using OpenFOAM; T. Marić, H. Marschall, D. Bothe (slides + animations)

13:30-13:50 Investigation of the relations between the ice accretion shapes and aerodynamic performance; C. Son, K. Yee (slides)
Development of a Multi Material Crack Propagation Solver Using OpenFOAM; D. Carolan, A. Ivanković, Z. Tuković (slides) Numerical studies on the formation of bubbles in T-junction microchannels; D. A. Hoang, V. Van Steijn, L. M. Portela, M. T. Kreutzer, C. R. Kleijn (slides)

13:50-14:10 The Extension of SIMPLE Algorithm for Rotor Inflow Analysis based on Actuator Disk Model; T. Kim, S. Oh, K. Yee (slides)
A Multi-material Cohesive Zone Model for Predicting fatigue Crack Growth in Functionally Graded Materials; V. Kanyanta Numerical Simulation of Multiscale Two-Phase Flows using OpenFOAM, Holger Marschall (slides + animation)

14:10-14:30 Computational Representation of the PIV-based Tabulated- Force Model of a Plasma-Actuator; I. Maden, R. Maduta, J. Kriegeis, S. Jakirlic, C. Schwarz, S. Grundmann, C. Tropea 
Development of a Finite-Volume based Structural Solver for Large Rotation of Non-Orthogonal Meshes; P. Cardiff, A. Karac, Z. Tuković, A. Ivanković (slides) Impacting droplets: dynamic contact angle modelling in OpenFOAM; A. Criscione, R. Röhrig, I. V. Roisman, S. Jakirlic, C. Tropea

14:30-14:50 OpenFOAM Implementation of an Incompressible Eddy Viscosity Model; M. Popovac, P. Benovsky (slides)
A Strongly Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction Model for Wind-Sail Simulation; M. Lombardi, N. Parolini, A. Quarteroni, M. Cremonesi Block-Coupled Direct Numerical Simulation of Multicomponent Surfactant Transport on Fluidic Interfaces; K. Kissling, H. Marschall, D. Bothe (slides)

14:50-15:10 Large-eddy simulation of the flow over a circular cylinder at Reynolds number 3900; D. A. Lysenko, I. S. Ertesvag, K. E. Rian (slides)
Partitioned strongly coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction; M. Kosel, U. Heck (slides) The Modelling of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability at a Late Stage; I. Sibgatullin, S. Strijhak

15:10-15:40 Coffee Break

Aerodynamics & Turbulence Modelling II
Porous Media
Free Surface & Interfacial Flow I

15:40-16:10 Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Jets Using an Explicit Runge-Kutta-4-Method; V. Vuorinen, J. Keskinen, O. Kaario, J. Yu, M. Larmi, C. Duwig, B. Boersma Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Open-Cell Foams: Micro-scale and Macro-scale Modelling; A. Della Torre, G. Montenegro, G. Tabor (slides) Numerical Simulation of Physical Foaming Processes; F. Gruber, M. Piesche (slides)
16:10-16:30 Implementation of the dynamic localization model (constrained) for large-eddy simulation in OpenFOAM; O. U. Kirlangic, M. S. Celebi (slides) Consideration on heat and reaction in metal foam; M. Woo, C. Kim, G. Kim (slides) Numerical Simulation of Polyurethane Foaming Processes on Bubble Scale; S. Geier, M. Piesche (slides + animation)
16:30-16:50 Optimizing Turbulence Model Performance Using Evolutionary Algorithms; B. Fabritius, G. Tabor (slides) Two-phase flow solver for anisotropic porous media; C. Soulaine, M. Quintard (slides) Modeling of mixing and separation in three-phase flows; N. Lichtenberg, D. Thévenin (slides)
16:50-17:10 Development of a new class of RANS and DES time-scale based two-equation turbulence models using OpenFOAM code; V. K. Krastev, G. Bella  Application of OpenFOAM to transfers in soils: first developments and perspectives; L. Orgogonzo, F. Hénon, C. Soulaine (slides) Simulation and Improvement of Fluid Phase Resonance Mixing with OpenFOAM; S. Schmalfuß, R. Säuberlich, M. Sommerfeld
17:10-17:30 Second-Moment Closure Modeling of Unsteady Separation: Conventional vs. Instability-Sensitivity Closure; R. Maduta, M. Ullrich, S. Jakirlic Fixed-bed Gasification Solver for Biomass Syngas Production; P. J. Zuk, K. Kwiatkowski, K. Bajer
18:45 - 23:00
Banquet Dinner
at Castle Auerbach
(Please be in time; we are leaving by bus.)

* As for the time: Sorry, but you are about visiting the OpenFOAM Workshop in Germany, right?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

 08:30 Opening & Plenary
Frontiers of Experimental Fluid Dynamics - Modern Techniques for CFD Validation of Complex Flows
Lynn Gladden (University of Cambridge),
Michael Schlüter (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg),
Uwe Hampel (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
09:40-10:10 Poster Session

Coffee Break

Track 1
Track 2
Track 3

Meshing and Preprocessing
Atmospheric & Environmental Flow I

10:30-11:00 Mixing Polyhedral and Normal Element Types; O. Gloth

Solid Oxide Regenerative Fuel-Cell: An OpenFOAM solver; M. García-Camprubí, N. Fueyo (slides)
Numerical analysis of vertical axis wind turbines with straight and helical blades; Z. Tuković, D. Matijasević, I. Hrgovan

11:00-11:20 Blender 3D as a GUI for OpenFOAM's native mesh generation tools; K.-J. Nogenmyr
Implementation of electrochemical model of Li-ion battery in OpenFOAM; T. Takayama, M. Yoneda (slides) LES modeling of Wind Turbines with actuator line approach; P. Schito, R. Ponzini, A. Zasso (slides)

11:20-11:40 Strutured mesh generation for wind energy applications; J. Schmidt (slides)

Multi-physics modelling of the Molten Salt fast Reactor using OpenFOAM; M. Aufiero, A. Cammi, L. Luzzi (slides) Development of a Cyber-Wind Facility for Terrestrial and Offshore Wind-Energy Applications; E. Paterson et al.

11:40-12:00 CastNet and blueCFD: A GUI controlled Windows environment based on OpenFOAM technology; U. Heck, M. Becker, B. Santos, N. Marques (slides)

Wind Site Assessment Simulations in complex terrain based on OpenFOAM; M. Ehlen (slides)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

Optimization & HPC
Dispersed & Particulate Flow I
Atmospheric & Env. Flow II

Reactive and Engine Flow I
13:00-13:30 Adjoint multi-objective optimization of intake port flow; E. de Villiers, C. Othmer (slides)

Simulation of spray break up and droplet film interaction using Lagrange particle tracking; M. Rehm, C. Xu, D. Walter (slides)

Application of CFD to Sustainable Urban Drainage; G. Tabor (slides)

13:30-13:50 Coupling efficient multivariate analysis and optimization strategies with an innovative flow solver for hull hydodynamics; P. Geremia, K. Maki, G. Lavini, H.Genuzio
Investigation of the local time stepping (LTS) approach for Lagrangian particle simulations; M. Becker, U. Heck (slides)
A study of the Butterfly-Effect for Massively Separated Flows using OpenFOAM; R. Bouwman, A. Michalski (slides)

13:50-14:10 Design and Implementation of Efficient CUDA Linear Solvers for OpenFOAM; A. Monakov (slides)
Geometric Interface Reconstruction for Particle Tracking Simulation of Mixing Processes; T. Erb, C. Bonten (slides)
Validation studies of flow modelling around buildings; A. Rákai, G. Kristóf (slides)

14:10-14:30 AREAL – a GPU-based solver for 3D incompressible transient and steady-state flow; T. Tomczak, K. Zadarnowska, Z. Koza, M. Matyka, A. Kosior, J. Pola, L. Miroslaw (slides)

A Parallel Resolved Fluid-Particle Interaction Method; A. Hager, C. Kloss, S. Pirker, C. Goniva (slides)
Boundary conditions and subgrid scale models for LES simulation of Internal Combustion Engines; F. Piscaglia, A. Montorfano, A. Onorati (slides)

14:30-14:50 Multi-GPU simulations in OpenFOAM with SpeedIT technology; Z. Koza, A. Kosinor, M. Matyka, J. Pola, L. Miroslaw (slides)

Numerical Modelling of Particle Fouling Processes on Dimpled Surfaces; J. Klunker, J. Turnow, N. Kornev (slides)
Numerical investigation of the gas exchange and combustion in a single cylinder engine; P. Janas, I. Wlokas, A. Kempf, C. Schulz

14:50-15:10 Managing large scientific database files in OpenFOAM using a memory abstraction layer (MAL); S. Weise, D. Messig, C. Hasse, B. Meyer (slides)

Implementation of Nonlinear Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model for Two-Phase Turbulent Flows into OpenFOAM; R. Mukin (slides)
Coupling between microkinetic modeling and CFD: towards a fully first-principle catalytic chemical reaction engineering; A. Cuoci, M. Maestri (slides)

15:10-15:40 Coffee Break

Ship Hydrodynamics & Cavitation
Dispersed & Particulate Flow II
Reactive and Engine Flow II

Numerics, Validation & Verification
15:40-16:10 Simulations of Composite Marine Propellers using OpenFOAM; H. Kröger Two-phase Euler-Euler Solver for Simulation of Subcooled Nucleate Boiling; J. Peltola, T. Pättikangas (slides) Modeling swirl stabilized turbulent diffusion flames with tabulated chemistry in OpenFOAM; J. Keller, P. Habisreuther, M. Volz, F. Eiberger, N. Zarzalis (slides)
16:10-16:30 Prediction of unsteady forces on marine propellers using OpenFOAM; N. Kornev, A. Taranov, E. Shchukin (slides)
CFD Modeling of a Mesophilic Sludge Digester; F. Jacobsen   Modeling of laminar partially premixed dimethyl ether flames using detailed chemistry and transport approaches; D. Messig, F. Fuest, A. Dreizler, C. Hasse (slides)
16:30-16:50 Development of a Panel Method Based Body Force Propulsor; J. Höpken, U. Lantermann, B. el Moctar (slides)
A fully integrated pressure based coupled solver using block GAMG acceleration; L. Magani, M. Darwish, M. Buchmayer
Development and assessment of a LES-model for high pressure premixed turbulent combustion; R. Keppeler, M. Pfitzner (slides)
16:50-17:10 Numerical Simulation of the Sloshing in Prismatic Tank After Impact Interaction of Vessel with Ice Barrier Using OpenFOAM; N. Tryaskin, I. Tkachenko, A. Dukarskiy
Implementation of a Preconditioner for a Density-Based Navier-Stokes Solver; S. Saegeler, C. Mundt (slides) LES of a pulverized coal jet flame; O. Stein, G. Olenik, A. Kronenburg, M. Ghiani, M. Vascellari, C. Hasse, B. M. Franchetti, F. Marincola, A. Kempf
17:10-17:30 Validation Benchmarks of OpenFOAM on the Ship's Performance; I. Inuzuka, M. Unno, K. Yada, T. Fujisawa Libraries for 6-DOF Motion of the Floating Body; H. B. Lee, S. H. Rhee (slides)
Introduction of differential diffusion effect in methane premixed flame simulations through tabulated chemistry; F. B. A. Collonval, W. Polifke (slides)
17:30-17:50 Physical model tests and simulation approaches for a navigaton lock
Henrik Rusche (slides)

Code Verification of OpenFOAM solvers using the Method of Manufactured Solutions; R. Fisch, R. Wüchner, K.-U. Bletzinger (slides)

A Flamelet Generated Manifolds lookupTable tool for premixed turbulent combustion; A. Fancello, R. J. M. Bastiaans, L.P. H. de Goey (slides)

17:50-18:10 Incompressible and Compressible Flows with Cavitation; S. Park, S. H. Rhee (slides)
Some comperative investigations on the performance of OpenFOAM; H. Sun, D. Staab, M. Schäfer 

Poster Session
Numerical Study of Under-expanded Supersonic Jet; I. Eremin, A. Glazunov, E. Borzenko, A. Kagenov, I. Tyryshkin
Numerical Study of Spacecraft Rocket Jet Impingement under Lunar Environment; E. Borzenko, A. Glazunov, I, Eremin, A. Kagenov, I. Tyryshkin
CFD of the atmospheric boundary layer in complex terrain for wind farm applications; C. Peralta, J. Schmidt, B. Stoevesandt (poster)
Subgrid Linear Eddy Model for LES Turbulent Combustion Modeling; M. Garcia-Camprubi, A. Sanchez-Insa, N. Fueyo
Towards the Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of Combustion Engines Using OpenFOAM; J.-P. Keskinen, A. Wehrfritz, V. Vuorinen, O. Kaario, M. Larmi
Numerical Study of reacting flow with cooling walls in JETIS burner; V. Betak, J. Kubata, J. Tuma
laminarSMOKE: A computational framework for the modeling of laminar flows with detailed kinetic mechanisms; A. Cuoci, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi
The Lightweight Parallel Computing Performance Profiler for OpenFOAM; X. Guo, Y. Tang, X. Ren, S. Zou
The Validation of the Volume of Fluid Periodic Boundary Conditions in Stratified Two-Phase Flows; R. Sawko, P. Verdin, C. Thompson
Mixing process by gas bubbling simulation; H. Rouch, O. Geoffroy, E. Sauvage, A. Bonnetier (poster)
CFD Simulation of Shear-Driven Thin Liquid Film Flow; J. R. Marati, T. Gambaryan-Roisman, P. Stefan
EMPIRE: A N-Code Coupling Tool for Multyphysic Co-Simulations with OpenFOAM; S. Sicklinger, R. Wüchner, K.-U. Bletzinger
OpenFOAM in Medical Engineering – A Comparison with Commercial CFD Software; P. Berg, G. Janiga, D. Thevenin
Incorporating Tool Deformation in the Design of Extrusion Dies for Complex Hollow Profiles; M.R. Moosavi, N.D. Gonçalves, A Gaspar-Cunha., O.S. Carneiro and J.M. Nóbrega
Computer Aided Design of Extruded Profile Forming Tools; J.M. Nóbrega and Olga S. Carneiro
OpenFOAM performance analysis on Shaheen BG/P; S. Aseeri and R. Khurram
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow through noncircular ducts: a validation; G. Daschiel and B. Frohnapfel (poster)
Study of differential diffusion in non-reacting jets of H2/CO2 mixing with air; G. Maragkos, P. Rauwoens, D. Fauconnier and B. Merci
Analytical validation case for one-way coupled magnetohydrodynamic free surface flows; B. Righolt, S. Kenjeres and C. Kleijn (poster)
Calculation of forces on particles in ultrasound agitated gaseous environment using OpenFOAM; C. Knoop and U. Fritsching
Multi-scale Spray Process Modeling for Generation of Metal Matrix Composite Particles; Xing Gang Li, Lydia Achelis and Udo Fritsching