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12th OpenFOAM Workshop

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new wave boundary conditions for shallow water conditions: Application to ocean water intake towers

The current paper presents a new methodology to include the use of OpenFOAM model to analyze complex wave hydrodynamics in shallow water conditions. A new set of boundary conditions have been specially developed to include the vertical variation velocity profile for shallow water waves. Wave kinematics are then defined above the SWL overcoming existing wave generation methods with the aim of improving flow predictions around a water intake tower. The work presented here include a methodological procedure of the use of OpenFOAM model, which considers the use of both, two- and three-dimensional simulations, in order to reduce also the computational cost. OpenFOAM model results are validated by means of laboratory experiments. The modelling is performed with a modified version of interFoam solver, which includes porous media flow, and allows predicting flow induced pressures in the buried part of the intake tower.

Javier Lara
Environmental Hydraulics Institute (IH Cantabria), Universidad de Cantabria

Maria Alvarez de Eulate
Environmental Hydraulics Institute (IH Cantabria), Universidad de Cantabria

Gabriel Barajas
Environmental Hydraulics Institute (IH Cantabria), Universidad de Cantabria

Maria Maza
Environmental Hydraulics Institute (IH Cantabria), Universidad de Cantabria

Inigo Losada
Environmental Hydraulics Institute (IH Cantabria), Universidad de Cantabria


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