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12th OpenFOAM Workshop

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A semi-explicit high order discontinuous galerkin solver for unsteady incompressible flow on OpenFOAM

Our research group has developed a complete nodal DGM framework on OpenFOAM. The source code will be accessible online before the open ceremony of OpenFOAM workshop 2017. This paper focuses on the implementation of a high order semi-explicit unsteady incompressible flow solver based on this DGM framework. The solver is designed to have consistent user interfaces with original OpenFOAM and achieve high order numerical convergence rate, trying to make high order method easy to use. The solver is tested with two benchmark cases. In the laminar vortex problem, this solver shows high order numerical convergence rate. In flow past cylinder problem, the results similar to reference value are obtained under 6-th order DGM and several hundred triangular cells, while the reference value is calculated under thousands of cells with low order finite element method.

Liyang Xu
State key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, NUDT

Xinhai Xu
State key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, NUDT

Xuefeng Yuan
Advanced Institute of Engineering Science for Intelligent Manufacturing, Guangzhou University, China

Xiaoguang Ren
State key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, NUDT

Shuai Ye
State key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, NUDT


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