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12th OpenFOAM Workshop

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In this teaching session a simulation project is presented with a special focus on multiphase modeling (Volume-of-Fluid). The basic idea is to show how to conduct a simulation project from a predefined geometry until post-processing. After a small introduction to the physics involved in this tutorial as well as the implementation in OpenFOAM, a live step-by-step presentation of the mesh creation, the case setup, the simulation itself as well as the post-processing of the simulation results will be given. A special focus is on the understanding of the needed steps in a typical workflow in OpenFOAM. For this reason dictionaries are fully commented. This way users can later come back and quickly and easily refresh the information gathered during the teaching session.

Jozsef Nagy
Institute of Polymer Injection Molding and Process Automation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz


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