Multiphase and Free-Surface Flows

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Eric Paterson from the Applied Research Laboratory at the Penn State University will organize a session on Multiphase and Free-Surface Flows. Abstracts are being solicited from the OpenFOAM community on the following topics:

-Free Surface Flows: e.g., ship hydrodynamics, river hydraulics, and coastal and off-shore applications,

-Cavitation: e.g., modeling of all aspects of cavitation ranging from bubble-dynamics of inception to sheet/cloud/vortex cavitation to cavitation damage and erosion.

-Fundamental Algorithms: e.g., development of Level-Set and VOF algorithms, phase-change models, homogenous multiphase vs. multi-fluid models

-Other: If you have work in this area that doesn't fit the above catagories, please submit an abstract! We are grateful for your suggestions!

In addition to an overview of existing OpenFOAM capability and technical presentations on the above topics, a tutorial is currently being prepared on how to couple interFoam-class solvers with wave-boundary-conditions, and dynamic mesh and 6DOF solvers for simulation of floating bodies in waves.

Draft program

  • Eric Paterson (The Pennsylvania State University), Multiphase and Free-Surface Flow Simulations
  • F. Franzoni, M. Milani, L. Montorsi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Cavitation and Fluid Mixing in a Multi-Fuel Injection System Download abstract
  • K. Maki (University of Michigan), Simulation of Floating Bodies in Waves using VOF RANS and Dynamic Meshing
  • S. Kim (Naval Surface Warfare Center), Modeling of Turbulent Cavitating Flows
  • M. Page,S. Houde (Hydro-Québec Institut de recherche), Modeling of the flow in surge chamber with OpenFOAM Download abstract

For more information, please contact the session organizer Email.