Other topics and advanced developments
From OpenFOAM workshop 2008
The idea of the Other topics and advanced developments session is to attract OpenFOAM users and developers whose subject is not covered by other sessions or their CFD is a bit out of the ordinary. This may include contributions from areas not covered by other sessions and in particular any complex modelling or numerics developments using OpenFOAM as a platform.
May I particularly encourage contributions in following areas:
- Validation cases for OpenFOAM, ranging across implemented physics and numerical modelling
- OpenFOAM and solution acceleration, covering numerical tricks, software or hardware acceleration of OpenFOAM, including optimisation for specific hardware (serial and parallel)
- Complex pysical modelling with OpenFOAM, targeted at complex heat and mass transfer. Of particular interest are "Green" and "Planet-Saving" technologies, eg. wind turbines, fuel cell models and problems from nuclear industry, including Optimisation-related topics
- Open development projects and Future Work. If you are embarking on a complex project with OpenFOAM and looking for expertise or partners to share the work, this is the place to describe your plans. Work-in-progress projects without final results are particularly encouraged
Abstract submission deadline, as indicated on the Main Page.
Session organiser will be Hrvoje Jasak: please contact by E-mail for further details.
Draft program
- H. Jasak (Wikki), Developments of advanced applications in OpenFOAM
- G. Romanelli, E. Serioli, P. Mantegazza (Politecnico di Milano), An accurate inviscid compressible solver for aerodynamic applications Download abstract
- J. Krauß, Ö. Ertunç, A. Delgado (Uni Erlangen), Trials of implementation of Automatic Differentiation in OpenFOAM and a new proposal Download abstract
- G. Boiger (Ice-SF), Large particle modelling in realistic filtration fibre geometries Download abstract
- Z. Saldi, S. Kenjeres, C. Kleijn (Delft University of Technology), Numerical Simulations of Interfacial Flows in Magnetic Fields Download abstract
- E. Mas de les Valls, L. Batet (Technical University of Catalonia), OpenFOAM capabilities for magnetohydrodynamic simulation under nuclear fusion technology conditions Download abstract
- W. Mattheus, J. Klostermann, M. Triep, Ch. Brücker and R. Schwarze (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Numerical Simulations of the 3 dimensional flow in a model of the human glottis Download abstract
- M. Beaudoin (IREQ, Hydro Quebec), B. Gschaider (ICE Strömungsforschung GmbH), The OpenFOAM-extend project on SourceForge: current status Download abstract
For further information, please contact the session organizer E-mail.