Other topics and advanced developments

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The idea of the Other topics and advanced developments session is to attract OpenFOAM users and developers whose subject is not covered by other sessions or their CFD is a bit out of the ordinary. This may include contributions from areas not covered by other sessions and in particular any complex modelling or numerics developments using OpenFOAM as a platform.

May I particularly encourage contributions in following areas:

  • Validation cases for OpenFOAM, ranging across implemented physics and numerical modelling
  • OpenFOAM and solution acceleration, covering numerical tricks, software or hardware acceleration of OpenFOAM, including optimisation for specific hardware (serial and parallel)
  • Complex pysical modelling with OpenFOAM, targeted at complex heat and mass transfer. Of particular interest are "Green" and "Planet-Saving" technologies, eg. wind turbines, fuel cell models and problems from nuclear industry, including Optimisation-related topics
  • Open development projects and Future Work. If you are embarking on a complex project with OpenFOAM and looking for expertise or partners to share the work, this is the place to describe your plans. Work-in-progress projects without final results are particularly encouraged

Abstract submission deadline, as indicated on the Main Page.

Session organiser will be Hrvoje Jasak: please contact by E-mail for further details.

Draft program

  • H. Jasak (Wikki), Developments of advanced applications in OpenFOAM
  • G. Romanelli, E. Serioli, P. Mantegazza (Politecnico di Milano), An accurate inviscid compressible solver for aerodynamic applications Download abstract
  • J. Krauß, Ö. Ertunç, A. Delgado (Uni Erlangen), Trials of implementation of Automatic Differentiation in OpenFOAM and a new proposal Download abstract
  • G. Boiger (Ice-SF), Large particle modelling in realistic filtration fibre geometries Download abstract
  • Z. Saldi, S. Kenjeres, C. Kleijn (Delft University of Technology), Numerical Simulations of Interfacial Flows in Magnetic Fields Download abstract
  • E. Mas de les Valls, L. Batet (Technical University of Catalonia), OpenFOAM capabilities for magnetohydrodynamic simulation under nuclear fusion technology conditions Download abstract
  • W. Mattheus, J. Klostermann, M. Triep, Ch. Brücker and R. Schwarze (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Numerical Simulations of the 3 dimensional flow in a model of the human glottis Download abstract
  • M. Beaudoin (IREQ, Hydro Quebec), B. Gschaider (ICE Strömungsforschung GmbH), The OpenFOAM-extend project on SourceForge: current status Download abstract

For further information, please contact the session organizer E-mail.