4th OpenFOAM Workshop
Montreal, Canada
June 1-4, 2009
The organization of the Fourth OpenFOAM Workshop follows in the footsteps of the first three successful OpenFOAM Workshops. The OpenFOAM Workshop Committee was formed in September 2008 to discuss the development and the evolution of these events. The committee can be reached by sending an e-mail to: committee(at)openfoamworkshop.org.
Hakan Nilsson, Chalmers
University of Technology, Sweden
Maryse Page, Hydro-Quebec,
Andrew Jackson, ICON, Great Britain
Gavin Tabor, The
University of Exeter, Great Britain
Bernhard Gschaider, ICE
Stromungsforschung GmbH, Austria
Zeljko Tukovic, University of
Zagreb, Croatia
Hrvoje Jasak, Wikki Ltd, Great Britain
Montenegro, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alojz Ivankovic,
University College Dublin, Ireland
Eric Paterson, The
Pennsylvania State University, USA
The following people were also involved in the preparation of the Workshop:
Rusche, Wikki Ltd, Germany
Tommaso Lucchini, Politecnico di
Milano, Italy
Gianluca D'Errico, Politecnico di Milano,
Uwe Janoske, Mosbach University,
The Fourth OpenFOAM Workshop is hosted by Hydro-Quebec (Institut de recherche) and Ecole Polytechnique Montreal. The members of the Montreal local committee are:
Maryse Page,
Hydro-Quebec, Canada
Martin Beaudoin, Hydro-Quebec, Canada
Francois Guibault, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
The Montreal local committee can be reached at OFW4(at)openfoamworkshop.org.
OPENFOAM® is a registered trademark of OpenCFD Ltd.
This event is not affiliated with OpenCFD Ltd.
[ofStructure] [applicationsAndCaseSetup] [ofPostProcessing] [programmingTutorial] [basicsCpp] [Cpp4Cfd] [runningInParallel]
[CppAndClassLayout] [DynamicMesh]
Object-Oriented Numerical Simulation Software Design (Hrvoje Jasak and Henrik Rusche)
Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM (Hrvoje Jasak and Henrik Rusche)
9h20 - 10h10 |
Hrvoje Jasak (Wikki Ltd) |
OpenFOAM: A Year in Review |
10h30 - 11h10 |
T. Lucchini, G. D'Errico, F. Piscaglia, D. Ettorre and A. Montorfano (Politecnico di Milano) |
Development of OpenFOAM for the simulation of the combustion process and the exhaust-after treatment system in Diesel Engines |
11h10 - 11h30 |
C.H. Beck and W. Krebs (Siemens AG) |
Evaluation of OpenFOAM for unsteady simulations of gas turbine combustion systems. |
11h30 – 11h50 |
Y. Wang, P. Chatterjee and S. Dorofeev (FM Global) |
Large Eddy Simulation of Thermal and Fire Plumes Based on OpenFOAM Toolbox. |
11h50 – 12h10 |
L. Gagnon, M.J. Richard and B. Levesque (Universite Laval) |
Using OpenFOAM to Model Energy Taken from the Swirl behind a Car. |
12h10 – 12h30 |
F.Campos (ICON) |
Application of OpenFOAM for Automotive Aerodynamics Development. |
14h00-14h20 |
H. Nilsson (Chalmers University of Technology) |
The Dellenback Abrupt Expansion OpenFOAM Case-Study, and the kOmegaSSTF turbulence model. |
14h20-14h40 |
M. Meldi and G. Cantore (Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia) |
LES quality assessment in predicting ICE flows. |
14h40-15h00 |
P.B. Vincent, G. Dumas (Universite Laval) and S. Houde (Hydro-Quebec) |
Detached Eddy Simulation of Swirling Flow in a Hydroturbine Draft Tube using OpenFOAM. |
15h00-15h20 |
J. Sumner and C. Masson (Ecole de technologie superieure) |
Improving the k-epsilon turbulence model for simulation of atmospheric boundary layer flow. |
15h20-15h40 |
D.S. Jarman (Hydro International plc), G. Tabor (University of Exeter), M.G. Faram(Hydro International plc) and D. Butler (University of Exeter) |
A comparison of RANS turbulence models in the prediction of confined turbulent swirling flows in urban drainage flow controls. |
16h00-16h20 |
O. Petit, H. Nilsson (Chalmers University of Technology), M. Page and M. Beaudoin (Hydro-Quebec) |
The ERCOFTAC centrifugal pump OpenFOAM case-study. |
16h20-16h40 |
F. Champet and E. Parkinson (Andritz Hydro Ltd) |
Flow Computation and Quantitative Analysis of Pelton Distributors. |
16h40-17h00 |
H. Herenger (High Performance Computing Systems Stuttgart) |
Implementation of a Virtual Turbine - Towards interactive design of hydraulic turbomachinery. |
17h00-17h20 |
M. Auvinen (Helsinki University of Technology) |
Flow Analysis of a Single-Blade Pump with OpenFOAM. |
9h30 - 10h15 |
B. Gschaider (ICE Stromungsforschung) |
pyFoam – Happy foaming with Python. |
10h30-10h50 |
H. Jasak (Wikki Ltd) |
General Grid Interface: Theoretical Basis and Implementation. |
10h50-11h10 |
C. Dear, J.P. Steinbrenner (Pointwise) and J.P. Abelanet (Basis Software) |
Anisotropic Mesh Generation for Computational Fluid Dynamics. |
11h10-11h30 |
S. Menon and D.P. Schmidt (University of Massachusetts) |
Adaptive Tetrahedral Remeshing for Multiphase Flow Simulations in OpenFOAM. |
11h30-11h50 |
Z. Tukovic and H. Jasak (University of Zagreb) |
Simulation of thin liquid film flow using OpenFOAM finite area method. |
11h50-12h10 |
R. Smith (Symscape), |
SymLab: An Interactive Simulation Environment for OpenFOAM. |
14h00-14h20 |
H. Rusche (Wikki Ltd) |
Metallurgical process simulations using OpenFOAM. |
14h20-14h40 |
N.I. Drobyshevskii and R.V. Mukin (Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) |
Modeling of aerosol deposition using the diffusion-inertia model in OpenFOAM. |
14h40-15h00 |
B. Selma, R. Bannari and P. Proulx (Universite de Sherbrooke)
Comparison between Direct Quadrature Method of Moments and The Method of Classes for Bubbly Flow. |
15h00-15h20 |
R. Bannari, B. Selma, A. Bannari and P. Proulx (Universite de Sherbrooke) |
Design and CFD analysis of mass transfer and distributions of shear stresses in Airlift reactor. |
15h20-15h40 |
R. Bannari, A. Bannari, B. Selma and P. Proulx (Universite de Sherbrooke) |
A Coupled CFD-Kinetic Models for Cellulase Production in Airlift Reactor. |
16h00-16h20 |
E. Paterson, K. Smith and S. Ford (Pennsylvania State University) |
Simulation of Wakes, Wave Impact Loads, And Seakeeping Using OpenFOAM. |
16h20-16h40 |
K.J. Maki and W.J. Rosemurgy (University of Michigan) |
Thin-Ship Theory of Wave Resistance on Finite Volume Grids. |
16h40-17h00 |
S. McIntyre, M. Kinzel and J.W. Lindau (Pennsylvania State University) |
Comparison of Interface Capturing Methods using OpenFOAM. |
17h00-17h20 |
M. Olivier and G. Dumas (Universite Laval) |
Non-Linear Aeroelasticity for Nano-Air-Vehicles Applications Using OpenFOAM. |
9h00 - 9h45 |
B. Gschaider (ICE Stromungsforschung) and M. Beaudoin (Hydro-Quebec) |
OpenFOAM-extend on SourceForge.net. |