5th OpenFOAM Workshop
Photo: CFFC, Chalmers Film och
Foto Committé
Chalmers University of Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden
21-24 June 2010
Palmstedt.jpg (missing)
The organization of the Fifth OpenFOAM[1]
follows in the footsteps of the first four successful OpenFOAM Workshops. The OpenFOAM Workshop
Committee was formed in September 2008 to discuss the development and the
evolution of these events. The current members of the committee are:
Håkan Nilsson,
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Maryse Page,
Hydro-Quebec, Canada
Martin Beaudoin,
Hydro-Quebec, Canada
Andrew Jackson,
Engys, Great Britain
Gavin Tabor, The
University of Exeter, Great Britain
Bernhard Gschaider,
ICE Strömungsforschung GmbH, Austria
Zeljko Tukovic,
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Hrvoje Jasak, Wikki
Ltd, Great Britain
Montenegro, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alojz Ivankovic,
University College Dublin, Ireland
Eric Paterson, The Pennsylvania
State University, USA
Francois Guibault,
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
Henrik Rusche,
Wikki GmbH, Germany
Kati Laakkonen,
ICON, Great Britain
The following
people were also involved in the preparation of the Workshop:
Tommaso Lucchini,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Oliver Borm,
Technische Universität, Germany
Fredrik Karlsson,
Gridcore AB, Sweden
The Fifth OpenFOAM Workshop is hosted by Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg,
Sweden. The members of the Swedish local committee are:
Håkan Nilsson, Chalmers, Sweden
Olivier Petit,
Chalmers, Sweden
Pirooz Moradnia,
Chalmers, Sweden
The OpenFOAM
Workshop committee can be reached at committee@openfoamworkshop.org
The local committee
can be reached at ofw5@openfoamworkshop.org
08.00-09.00 |
Training registration, Chemistry Building |
09.00-10.30 |
Basic Training, Chemistry Building Room: KD1 |
Advanced training, Chemistry Building Room KE |
Files below |
10.30-10.50 |
Coffee Break |
10.50-12.30 |
Basic Training, Chemistry Building Room: KD1 |
Advanced training, Chemistry Building Room: KE |
Files below |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch Break |
13.30-15.00 |
Basic Training, Chemistry Building Room: KD1 |
Advanced Training, Chemistry Building Room: KE |
Files below |
15.00-15.20 |
Coffee Break |
15.20-17.00 |
Basic Training, Chemistry Building Room: KD1 |
Advanced Training, Chemistry Building Room: KE |
(embedded movies require Adobe Reader 9 on OSX or Windows) |
Files below |
Other files, in arbitrary order:
08.00-09.00 |
Workshop Registration, Chalmers Main Entrance |
09.00-09.15 |
Welcome Talk L. Davidson, H. Nilsson (Chalmers University
of Technology) Room:
RunAn |
09.15-10.00 |
Feature Talk: ”A Year in Review” H.
Jasak (Wikki Ltd) Room:
RunAn |
10.00-10.20 |
Poster session Chairman:
H. Nilsson Room:
RunAn |
”Bubble dynamics inside a compliant blood vessel” |
”Numerical study of free convection to an array of
inline cold horizontal cylinders above an adiabatic floor” |
“Space-time window reconstruction inside finite
volume simulations” |
“Multi scale porous medium model for brain
mechanisms” |
“Evaluation of the cavitatingFoam solver for low Mach
Number Flows around 2D Hydrofoils” |
“LES of Certain Droplet Size Effects on Mixing in
Fuel Sprays” |
“OpenFOAM and Tecplot
Post-Processing” J. Warkall (Genias Graphics GmbH & Co. KG) |
“OpenFOAM computational
performances for large parallel distributed simulations.” A. Funel, F. Ambrosino
(ENEA) |
“Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results of the Flow in the
Porjus U9 Kaplan Turbine Model” |
“Four Studies with Moving Meshes in
OpenFOAM” |
10.20-10.50 |
Coffee break |
10.50-12.30 |
Heat and Mass transfer Chairman: Z.Tukovic Room: RunAn |
Turbomachinery, part A Chairman: O. Borm Room: Palmstedt |
10.50-11.10 |
“CFD analysis of the salt flow in a tube heat
“Hydraulic turbine distributor simulation using OpenFOAM” |
11.10-11.30 |
“Validation of OpenSource CFD methods used for
automotive defrost simulations” |
“Simulations of Characteristics for a reversible pump-turbine” |
11.30-11.50 |
“Numerical simulation of species transfer at
Gas-liquid interfaces using OpenFOAM” ABSTRACT PRESENTATION |
“Transient flow simulations and performance analysis of a single
channel pump” |
11.50-12.10 |
“On sliding air bubbles and their interaction with natural
convection flow” |
“Adapting OpenFOAM for hydro turbines” |
12.10-12.30 |
“Investigation of turbulent reacting mixing processes
at Schmidt numbers in a coaxial jet mixer using OpenFOAM” |
“Unsteady flow computations of a pump turbine” ABSTRACT PRESENTATION |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch Break |
13.30-15.30 |
Automotive and Combustion, part A Chairman: T. Lucchini Room: RunAn |
Multiphase Flow, part A Chairman: E. De Villiers Room: Palmstedt |
13.30-13.50 |
“Application of the tabulation of dynamic adaptive chemistry
method for CFD simulations including detailed oxidation mechanisms” |
Open Source CFD-DEM Perspective” |
13.50-14.10 |
“Non adiabatic steady laminar flamelet model in
OpenFOAM” |
“Simulation of bubble-particle interaction using OpenFOAM” |
14.10-14.30 |
premixed flame model based on a recent dispersion model” |
“Liquid coverage of rotating disks” |
14.30-14.50 |
“A comprehensive implementation of the Eddy
dissipation model for turbulent combustion simulation” |
“Two phase flow analysis of a finger-type slug catcher” ABSTRACT PRESENTATION |
14.50-15.10 |
“Numerical simulation of coal gasification in entrained flow gasifiers with coalFoam” D. Messig, K. Uebel, M.
Gräbner, B. Meyer (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) |
“Modeling the effects of small particles on near wall shear stress” |
15.10-15.30 |
“Soot formation in turbulent, non premixed flames
using OpenFOAM” |
“An OpenFOAM implementation of Ice Accretion for
Rotorcraft” |
15.30-16.00 |
Coffee Break |
16.00-18.20 |
Ventilation and atmospheric flow Chairman: R. Bouwman Room: RunAn |
Ship Hydrodynamics and Cavitation Chairman: E. Paterson Room: Palmstedt |
16.00-16.20 |
“Climate control and HVAC simulation for occupied
spaces” |
“foamedOver – A library to Add a Dynamic overset Grid
Capability to OpenFOAM” |
16.20-16.40 |
“Using OpenFOAM for ventilation design” |
“Development of hybrid RANS-LES methods for flow
simulations in ship stern area using OpenFOAM” |
16.40-17.00 |
“Numerical simulation of mixed convection in an
aircraft cabin segment” |
“A generic wave generation and wave relaxation
framework” |
17.00-17.20 |
“Numerical simulation of the oscillatory ventilation
in a simplified human lung model using OpenFOAM” |
“Fluid structure interaction during ship slamming” |
17.20-17.40 |
“CFD simulation of flow over a mock urban setting” |
“Assessing cavitation nuisance using LES in OpenFOAM” |
17.40-18.00 |
“OpenFOAM simulations of atmospheric flow over
complex terrain” |
“Cavitation models; performance and limitations” |
18.00-18.20 |
“Evaluation of OpenFOAM with a German VDI guideline
3783/9 for environmental meteorology” |
“LPT with random walk model and interPhaseChangeFoam with
nonhomogeneous nuclei distribution” |
18.30-20.00 |
Cocktail reception |
09.00-10.20 |
New Implementations in OpenFOAM Chairman:
H. Jasak Room:
RunAn |
09.00-09.20 |
“Lib-ICE: A C++ object-oriented library for ICE
simulation – acoustics and aftertreatment” |
09.20-09.40 |
“A coupled finite volume solver for the solution of
laminar and turbulent incompressible and compressible flows” |
09.40-10.00 |
“Implicit solution techniques for a coupled
multi-field problems” |
10.00-10.20 |
“A coupled pressure based solution algorithm based on
the VOF approach for two or more immiscible fluids” |
10.20-10.50 |
Coffee Break |
10.50-12.30 |
Turbomachinery, part B Chairman: M. Page Room: RunAn |
Multi Physics Chairman: H. Rusche Room: Palmstedt |
10.50-11.10 |
“Conjugate heat transfer analysis of NASA C3X film
cooled vane” |
“Simulation of magneto hydrodynamic flows by using an
electric potential formulation” |
11.10-11.30 |
“Implementation of a domain scaling approach for
turbomachinery computations in OpenFOAM” |
modeling of a thermal plasma flow in electric arc welding using
OpenFOAM" I. Choquet (University West, Trollhättan), H. Nilsson (Chalmers University of Technology) |
11.30-11.50 |
“Studies of the ERCOFTAC Centrifugal Pump” |
“A pyrolysis and ablation toolbox based on OpenFOAM” |
11.50-12.10 |
“Studies of The Timisoara swirling flow test rig” |
“Charge transport in high voltage DC insulation
12.10-12.30 |
“Air Flow in Hydro Power Generators for Convective
Cooling” |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch Break |
13.30-15.30 |
Automotive and Combustion, part B Chairman: F. Piscaglia Room: RunAn |
Optimization, HPC and Mesh
Generation Chairman: M. Beaudoin Room: Palmstedt |
13.30-13.50 |
“Finite rate chemistry effects and combustor liner
heat transfer studies in a framework of LES of turbulent flames” |
“Benchmarking hardware with OpenFOAM, a possible
reference case” |
13.50-14.10 |
“Simulation of evaporation and combustion of droplets
using VOF methods” |
“Parallel CFD of a prototype car with OpenFOAM” |
14.10-14.30 |
“Modeling of gasoline hollow cone spray using
OpenFOAM” |
“Shape optimization of valve channel with
incompressible to compressible simulation for pressure Loss calculation” |
14.30-14.50 |
“Lib-ICE: A C++ object-oriented library for internal
combustion engine simulations - spray
and combustion modeling” |
“enGrid: OpenSource mesh generation and GUI” |
14.50-15.10 |
“Using OpenFOAM to model of complex industrial
devices” |
“CAD geometry based pre-processing for CFD using
abstract modeling techniques” |
15.10-15.30 |
“Thin liquid film modeling in OpenFOAM, application
to fire suppression” |
“Automatic shape optimization in hydraulic machinery
using OpenFOAM” |
15.30-16.00 |
Coffee Break |
16.00-18.00 |
Turbulence Modeling Chairman: S-E Kim Room: RunAn |
Multiphase Flow, part B Chairman: B. Gschaider Room: Palmstedt |
16.00-16.20 |
“Numerical investigation of the swirling flow and the
vortex control in a straight diffuser” |
“Numerical simulation with particle transport to
compute self and third party soiling of motor vehicles” |
16.20-16.40 |
“LES of the flow around an oscillating cylinder” ABSTRACT PRESENTATION |
“Numerical investigation of the deformation and
break-up mechanisms of droplets in high-pressure emulsification orifice with a coupled Volume-of-Fluid/Level-Set Method” |
16.40-17.00 |
“LES of turbulent flow on dimpled surface and genetic
optimization of heat transfer surfaces” |
“Modeling Lagrangian sub-micro particles flow and
deposition using LES” |
17.00-17.20 |
“Validation and enhancement of DES in OpenFOAM” |
“Modeling fast reactions and particle flow” |
17.20-17.40 |
“LES of flows, flames and acoustic waves in gas
turbines and aero engines” |
“CFD analysis of dilute sprays using the
Euler-Lagrange modeling” |
19.00 |
Dinner Banquet |
09.00-10.00 |
Feature Talk: ”Community
activities and new functionalities at OpenFOAM-Extend” Room: RunAn H. Rusche (Wikki GmbH), B. Gschaider (ICE Strömungsforschung GmbH), M. Beaudoin (Hydro-Québec), O. Borm (Institute for Flight Propulsion), H. Marschall (Technische Universität München), |
10.00-10.15 |
Coffee Break |
10.00-12.30 |
Working Group Activities Please note that
more groups can/should be formed, the schedules
presented below are the ones we have received from the participants |
Turbomachinery |
surface / Interface flows |
RANS/LES – DES – Hybrid numerics (convection scheme) – background models 1eq,
2eq |
/ Dynamic meshing |
10min Opening talk (M.Page, H.Nilsson) |
10min Update on ERCOFTAC
Centrifugal Pump Case-Study (S.Xie, O.Petit, H.Nilsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |
20min New Case-Study: Timisoara
Swirling Flow Test Rig (O.Bergman, O.Petit, H.Nilsson, Chalmers University of Technology,
Sweden) |
20min New Case-Study:
Single-Channel Pump (M.Auvinen,
J.Ala-Juusela, T.Siikonen, Aalto University, Finland, N.Pedersen, Grundfos,
Denmark) |
15min Contribution of the
turboPerformance functionObject (M.Auvinen, Aalto University, Finland) |
15min Update on the mixingPlane
interface development for steady-state computations (M.Beaudoin, Hydro Quebec, Canada) |
15min Discussions “Aims for the
next year” |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch Break |
13.30-15.15 |
Working Group Activities Please note that more
groups can/should be formed, the schedules
presented below are the ones we have received from the participants |
(turbo/ship hydro) |
modelling |
flows |
flows – Evaporation – Combustion / Gasification |
10min Opening talk (M.Page) |
10min cavitationWG? (M.Page) |
10min Cavitation modeling case-studies (M.Page, R.Bannari, H.Nilsson, R.Bensow, S.E.Kim, E.Paterson) |
20-30min Multiphase turbulent flow simulation around foils,
propellers, and pumps – Numerical and Physical Modeling (S.E.Kim, David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock Division, USA) |
15.15-15.30 |
Coffee Break |
15.30-16.30 |
BOF Session |
Aeroacoustics –
hybrid approaches – acoustic analogies - LEE |
Heat transfer
(conjugate) |
Interaction /
coupling with other codes |
porting, and installation |
Debugging OF using
Eclipse |
Numerical methods
for pressure-velocity and turbulence coupling - transienSimpleDyMFoam |
16.30-17.00 |
Concluding Session |