6th OpenFOAM
Workshop - Technical Program - Wednesday, 15 June 2011 |
7:30 - 8:00 |
BREAKFAST, LOCATION Alumni Hall, Hetzel Union Building (HUB) - Robeson
Center |
8:00 - 9:00 |
Feature Talk: Copyleft Licensing and the
Challenges of Software Freedom Community |
Bradley Kuhn
(Executive Director of the Software Freedom Conservancy) |
Location: Alumni Hall |
Multi-Physics, Structures, and Mesh Motion II |
Combustion and Other Reacting Flows I |
Chair: Henrik Rusche |
Location: Alumni Hall |
Chair: Federico Piscaglia |
Location: Heritage Hall |
9:00 - 9:20 |
simulation of sailing boats dynamics FSI and shape optimization |
RANS and LES of
Turbulent Combustion based on Flamelet Generated Manifolds |
Lombardi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) |
Alessio Fancello (University of Technology
Eindhoven) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
9:20 - 9:40 |
Modeling of Very High Temperature Reactor Thermal-Fluids Using OpenFOAM |
Modeling laminar
partially premixed flames with complex diffusion in OpenFOAM |
Ivor Clifford
(The Pennsylvania State University) |
Danny Messig (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
9:40: 10:00 |
Modeling of Nano-Toughened Adhesives |
Flexible Model
Development for Anaerobic Digesters |
Leonard (University College Dublin, Ireland) |
David Gaden (University of Manitoba) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
10:00 - 10:20 |
Contact stress
analysis in OpenFOAM: application to hip joint bones |
Modification of
the Temperature Calculation Library for Premixed Turbulent Combustion
Simulation |
Philip Cardiff
(University College Dublin, Ireland) |
Ehsan Yasari (Chalmers University of
Technology) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
10:20 - 10:40 |
Modeling of
thermal and electric behavior of stacked Lithium-ion cells in OpenFOAM |
Takayama (Mizuho Information and Research Institute, Inc.) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
10:40 - 11:00 |
Optimization, HPC, and Pre- and Post-Processing
I |
Combustion and Other Reacting Flows II |
Chair: Sung-Eun Kim |
Location: Alumni Hall |
Chair: Jonathan Pitt |
Location: Heritage Hall |
11:00 - 11:20 |
parallel simulations using OpenFoam
application to air - assisted atomization |
Flow reactions
and production of syngas in the porous biomass layer |
Anne Dord (GE
Global Research) |
Kamil Kwiatkowski (University of Warsaw) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
11:20 - 11:40 |
Implementing Fast
Parallel Linear System Solvers in OpenFOAM Based on CUDA |
Development of
Turbulent Combustion Libraries based on Conditional Averaging in OpenFOAM for
Engineering Problems |
Daniel Combest
(Washington University) |
Karam Han (Pohang University of Science and
Technology) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
11:40 - 12:00 |
adjoint optimization of flow in duct and pipe networks |
Analysis and
modelling of the effective reaction rate in a developing mixing layer using
OpenFOAM® libraries |
Eugene de
Villiers (Engys Ltd) |
Karol Wedolowski (University of Warsaw) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
12:00 - 12:20 |
Analysis and
Visualization Techniques for OpenFOAM Simulations |
model based time scale analysis of three-feed stream |
Kevin Colburn
(Computational Engineering International, Inc.) |
Surya Narayana Prasad Vegendla (TU Bergakademie
Freiberg) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
12:20 - 1:20 |
Ship Hydrodynamics and Cavitation |
Environment, Atmosphere, and Wind Turbine
Modeling II |
Chair: Eugene de
Villiers |
Location: Alumni Hall |
Chair: Jim Brasseur |
Location: Heritage Hall |
1:20 - 1:40 |
Coupling of VOF
with LPT to improve cavitation modeling |
Impact of
Turbulence on Wind Turbine Blade Loadings |
Vallier (LTH Lund University) |
Sang Lee (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
1:40 - 2:00 |
Modeling a canoe
paddle stroke using a body force method |
Research and
Developments in Modularizing HVAC Elements for CFD Software |
Joe Banks
(University of Southampton) |
Masashi Imano (The University of Tokyo) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
2:00 - 2:20 |
modelling based on Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase flow |
Simulating the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Wind Farm Flows |
Rachid Bannari
(Hydro-Québec) |
Matthew Churchfield (National Renewable Energy
Laboratory) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
2:20 - 2:40 |
Taming OpenFOAM
for Ship Hydrodynamics Applications |
Comparison of
openfoam and fluent for steady, viscous flow at pool 8, Mississippi river |
Sung-Eun Kim
(Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division) |
Oscar Eduardo Hernandez Murcia (The University
of Iowa) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
2:40 - 3:00 |
A Hybrid Boundary
Element / RANS Approach to Steady Flows in Naval Hydrodynamics |
Fruitful Modeling
and Research Efforts by the Environmental Fluid Mechanics Group using
OpenFOAM at University of Texas at San Antonio, TX |
Rosemurgy (University of Michigan) |
Xiaofeng Liu (University of Texas ) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
3:00 - 3:20 |
Optimization, HPC, and Pre- and Post-Processing
II |
Turbomachinery II |
Chair: Robert Campbell |
Location: Alumni Hall |
Chair: Maryse Page |
Location: Heritage Hall |
3:20 - 3:40 |
Industrial design
optimization using open source tools |
A Swirl Generator
Case Study for OpenFOAM - Experimental Validation |
Paolo Geremia
(Engys Srl) |
Olivier Petit (Chalmers University of
Technology) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
3:40 - 4:00 |
Advanced Pre- and
Post-processing solutions for OpenFOAM |
Interpolation of
experimental data at hydro turbine draft tube inlets – a study of sensitivity
to incomplete data |
Peddiraju (BETA CAE Systems USA, Inc.) |
Hakan Nilsson (Chalmers University of
Technology) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
4:00 - 4:20 |
optimization of the superstructure of ships with an automated framework based
on CFD tool |
Rotor-Stator Simulation of the U9 Kaplan Turbine Model |
Seiji Kubo
(IHI Corporation) |
Olivier Petit (Chalmers University of
Technology) |
Abstract |
Presentation |
Abstract |
Presentation |
4:20 - 4:40 |
CastNet and
OpenFOAM® in chemical plant engineering applications |
Ulrich Heck
(DHCAE Tools UG) |
Abstract |
Presentation |