The upcoming OpenFOAM Workshop will be held in Duisburg, Germany from the 23.07.2019 until the 26.07.2019. It is hosted by the Development Center for Shiptechnology and Transportsystems (DST), the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Institute of Shiptechnology, Ocean Engineering and Transport Systems (ISMT).
During this community driven event, conference presentations and poster sessions will be held and work in progress is gladly seen as well. In addition to the conference aspect, trainings on OpenFOAM Technology and other related software tools are held mostly from users for users. This underlines one of the goals of the workshop: bringing users, developers and researchers together and providing a nurturing ground for open discussions and future projects.
On behalf of the OpenFOAM Workshop Committee, the DST and University of Duisburg-Essen would like to invite you to Duisburg and the University of Duisburg-Essen.