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From OpenFOAM workshop 2008
Workshop Announcement
The Internal Combustion Engine Group of Politecnico di Milano announces the Third OpenFOAM Workshop to be held in Milan, Italy 10-11 July 2008. The flexibility, efficiency and capabilities of OpenFOAM make it a powerful CFD tool to perform fundamental studies and industrial investigations of complex physical processes. The event intends to bring together developers and users of OpenFOAM, to promote collaborative activities, exchange information and share experiences in similar areas of interest. The Workshop is split into thematic sessions, to help participants stay up-to-date by providing indications of emerging and developing ideas in each research area. Additional technical talks will be promoted on the use of OpenFOAM, including advanced programming and code customization. For the benefit of new users and people interested in knowing the OpenFOAM code, a one-day Training Course will be provided the day before the Workshop (the 9th of July 2008).
Workshop Sessions
Automotiveorganized by Gianluca D'Errico and Gianluca Montenegro, Politecnico di Milano
Turbomachineryorganized by Maryse Page, Martin Beaudoin, Hydro-Québec, and Håkan Nilsson, Chalmers University of Technology
Mesh handling and generationorganized by Andrew Jackson, ICON
Heat transfer and fluid structure interactionorganized by Alojz Ivankovic, University College Dublin, and Zeljko Tukovic, University of Zagreb
LES and hybrid LES/RANS modelsorganized by Gavin Tabor, The University of Exeter
Multiphase and Free-Surface Flowsorganized by Eric Paterson, The Pennsylvania State University
Other topics and advanced developmentsorganized by Hrvoje Jasak, University of Zagreb and Wikki Ltd
All abstracts are available in each session page. Poster sessions
Download the Final Agenda.
Technical ExhibitionAn open space within the campus will be made available to participants who would like to organize a small exhibition stand to provide additional technical information (e-mail). |
Training SessionsFor the benefit of new OpenFOAM users, basic Training Sessions will be provided the day before the Workshop (the 9th of July 2008). Training will be structured to demonstrate library capabilities in complex physics and go through basic steps of OpenFOAM use and customization. The training course is co-organized by Politecnico di Milano and Chalmers University of Technology. The training registration fee is €150, payable in advance. Deadlines and RegistrationAll attendees must register before the 15th of June 2008. The workshop registration fee is €250, payable in advance. Early registration is welcome to allow a better organization of the event. [ Download the Registration Form]. ContributionsFull-length presentations or poster format talks on the use of OpenFOAM and particularly on creative library use in non-traditional areas are invited. Final contributions should consist of a short abstract and presentation slides, which will be collated on Conference Web pages (and in CD-ROM format) and made freely available to attendees. The deadline for final contribution is June 30, 2008. Presentations demonstrating contributions to the Sig Turbomachinery Wiki and the OpenFOAM-extend repository are strongly welcome. The Organization encourages everyone to set up case-studies for each session to demonstrate and validate new implementations. PracticalitiesThe workshop will be held in the Bovisa Campus of Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. The training course will be held in the L09 room which is equipped with A/C plug on each seat. The workshop will be held in the L01 room. A Wi-fi access will be provided to the participants within the Campus. A limited number of rooms has been reserved in a hotel near the Bovisa campus at a preferential participant rate. This event is sponsored by the Italian Section of SAE, SAE Naples |