Turbomachinery Simulations With OpenFOAM
From Ofwiki
Turbomachinery simulations require some specific extensions on the general purpose CFD solver. Examples include handling for rotor-stator interfaces, non-matching blade pitch boundaries, mixing plane coupled boundary conditions, discretisation in multiple rotating reference frames and similar. The idea of the Turbomachinery forum is to group together the validation and development effort of researchers in order to add the necessary capability to OpenFOAM and validate its performance agains experimental data and other CFD codes.
OpenFOAM Turbomachinery Working Group
Computations and OpenFOAM developments related to Hydraulic Turbines have been made since the public release of OpenFOAM in December 2004. An OpenFOAM Turbomachinery Working Group is in the process of formation to share common OpenFOAM experience and knowledge. OpenFOAM is a great framework for research and collaboration.
The status and the objectives of the OpenFOAM Turbomachinery Working Group will be presented.
Contributed Presentations
- Introduction by Håkan Nilsson of Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden and Maryse Page of Hydro-Québec, Canada Slides
- OpenFOAM activities at Chalmers and within the Swedish Water Power Center by Håkan Nilsson of Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Slides
- Numerical Calculations of Rotordynamical Coefficients and Forces on a Hydropower Turbine Runner Using OpenFOAM by Martin Karlsson of Luleå University of Technology, Sweden Slides
- Adapting OpenFOAM for turbomachinery applications, by Maryse Page and Martin Beaudoin of Hydro-Québec, Canada Slides
- k-omega turbulence model in OpenFOAM: Implementation and Validation by Sung-Eun Kim of Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, USA Slides
- Synthesis of artificial turbulent fields with prescribed second order statistics using the random spot method by Johann Turnow of Universität Rostock, Germany Abstract Slides
- Automatic Duct Optimisation by Eugene de Villiers of ICON, UK Abstract
- Use of OpenFOAM in modeling of water on deck and dynamic stability of floating bodies in waves by Eric Paterson of Penn State University Slides
People interested in making a presentation should contact the session organizers by e-mail.
Background and Tutorials: Developing Turbomachinery Capabilities
- Implementation of General Grid Interface (GGI) in OpenFOAM by Hrvoje Jasak of Wikki Ltd. Capability talk slides
- Open Forum: Parallelisation and domain decomposition for surface-based numerics
Examples of Simulations
Hölleforsen Kaplan hydraulic turbine model
Hölleforsen Kaplan hydraulic turbine model has been extensively investigated, both experimentally and numerically, at the Turbine-99 Workshops.

OpenFOAM computations in the Turbine-99 draft tube have shown that OpenFOAM produces results comparable to major commercial CFD tools (Turbine-99 III Workshop, December 2005).

OpenFOAM computations have been performed for the Hölleforsen runner for a single runner blade passage (with cyclic BC) and for the full runner. Computations can take into account a runner rotational velocity which is varying in time and a guide vane wakes prescribed at the inlet of the computational domain.

Work is also done on a prescribed motion of the runner to study how the flow and the forces on the runner are affected by motions due to rotor dynamics. The first application will be a simple sealing.
The pictures are kindly provided by Håkan Nilsson of Chalmers University of Technology. Thank you!