Apply for hosting a workshop
The OpenFOAM Workshops are organized by the OpenFOAM community, and can be hosted by any active member willing to do it. The next workshop open for applications is 2021.
Applications shall be submitted to the OpenFOAM Workshop Committee Secretary (interim: no later than June 23rd, 2019. Moreover, individuals applying as local organizer for an OpenFOAM Workshop shall:
- belong to a university or institution of international renown and reputation within the OpenFOAM community,
- know the Workshop’s format in detail, e.g., a representative having attended the workshop, interacted with the Workshop Committee, and having chaired at least one workshop session,
- render outstanding and merited within the OpenFOAM community, e.g. by substantial contributions to its code base or by organization of local / national community events or alike,
- provide a presentation of the application at the annual Committee Meeting at the OpenFOAM Workshop (max. 20 minutes). The presentation must include proposed dates, venue (that should be available at the time of the presentation), and a statement why the location is suitable for a workshop (e.g. strong user community – with examples).
Planning the Workshop
The elected local organizer is responsible for:
- Organizing the workshop in the spirit of the OpenFOAM Workshop series, as an open and friendly non-profit event. The local organizer is aware that the Workshop Committee is neither legally nor economically responsible to the organization of the workshop.
- Marketing the workshop, taking help from the Workshop Committee.
- Assure, with the support of the Workshop Committee members, the quality of the contributions accepted for presentation at the Workshop.
- Setting up the framework for the workshop homepage ten (10) months before the event.
- Providing a Workshop Committee Page at the workshop homepage, for inviting future hosts and informing about the committee and workshop. It should be easy for the Secretary to make sure that the Workshop Committee Page is kept updated.
- Linking to the archived previous workshop homepages, at the workshop homepage.
- Calling for at least two on-line Committee Meetings, to report the status of the planning and organisation of the workshop.
- Planning, organizing and calling for the annual Committee Meeting at the workshop.
- Assisting the Technical Group in the archiving of the workshop homepage.