OpenFOAM workshops have always provided a wide and open field to discuss OpenFOAM related topics amongst the community. Users of all experience levels are welcome to join and present their work. Work in progress is very welcome and can be contributed to the workshop either as an oral presentation or as a poster. If you would like to help the community by providing a training, please feel free to contact the organizing committee with your idea for a training as well as your level of expertise and experience with OpenFOAM.
Call for Papers
- If plan to submit a poster, please provide an abstract.
- Abstracts should not exceed 350 words.
- Extended Abstracts should not exceed 6-8 pages.
- Please stick to a two column layout with 11pt font size or use the LaTeX Template.
Workshop Topics
- Aerodynamics
- Civil Engineering
- Complex Materials
- Compressible Flows
- Fluid-Structure Interaction
- General CFD
- Heat & Mass Transfer
- Lagrangian Methods
- Multiphase Flows
- Naval Hydrodynamics (Offshore)
- Optimization and Control
- Porous Media
- Pre- and Post-processing
- Reacting flows
- Sprays and Injection
- Turbomachinery
- Turbulence Modelling
If your research/project/development does not fit into any of the above topics, please register under the “other” category and we will find a slot for you in the workshop schedule!