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Workshop Announcement
Wikki Ltd. and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia announce the Second OpenFOAM Workshop to be held in Zagreb, Croatia 7-9 June 2007.
Following the success of the First OpenFOAM Workshop in January 2006, the new event aims to reflect the increased interest and activity in the OpenFOAM project. The objective of the Workshop is to exchange information, compare notes and plan future collaboration in the OpenFOAM user community. Of particular interest is to help the researchers and groups currently migrating their research into OpenFOAM establish contact with existing users and running projects with similar area of interest.
The Workshop is split into four thematic areas, with additional talks on library structure, programming in OpenFOAM, running projects and future development plans. Each thematic area will be hosted by a group focused on the subject and coordinating the effort.
The Workshop is now completed - sincere thanks to all attendees and contributors. Links to Abstracts and Slides have been added to the Workshop Timetable and Workshop Themes pages.
Workshop Themes
- Coupled Simulations and Fluid-Structure Interaction, hosted by University of Zagreb and University College Dublin
- Turbomachinery Simulations With OpenFOAM hosted by Hydro-Québec
- OpenFOAM for Internal Combustion Engine Simulations, Combustion and Spray hosted by Politecnico di Milano
- OpenFOAM Porting and Help for New Users hosted by ICE Strömungsforschung GmbH and University of Leoben
In case of substantial interest in additional themes, the Organising Committee will consider adding more topics.
Training Sessions
For the benefit of new OpenFOAM users, two Training Sessions will accompany the Workshop. Training will be structured to demonstrate library capabilities in complex physics and go throgh basic steps of OpenFOAM use and customisation.
OpenFOAM Development Plans
How to get involved? What development is being planned? Who is doing it and what collaboration can be set up? The answers will be given in the two talks and Open Forum discussions. The idea of the Forum and the whole Workshop is to encourage groups of users and developers to work together and enrich the library capabilities and write new top-level applications.
Workshop Timetable
Final Workshop Timetable is now in place. Please note that the training sessions will cover most of the lunch break - planning for lunch may be a good idea. Links to Abstracts and Slides have been added to the Workshop Timetable and Workshop Themes pages.
Deadlines and Registration
Please register for attandence by E-mail no later than 1/May/2007 Due to limited capacity of the premises and practicality of the Workshop, places are limited and will be available on a first-come basis. Conference registration fee is €250, payable in advance. You can download a copy of the payment form - please E-mail the organisers to register before sending the payment.
Presentation and poster session authors and kindly requested to contact dr. Hrvoje Jasak for details of the format and presentation.
The registration is now closed and Workshop is completed, with the attandance count of 88. Thank you to all attendees.
Call For Contributions
Full-length presentations (20 mins + questions) or poster format talks on the use of OpenFOAM in Computational Continuum Mechanics and particularly on creative library use in non-traditional areas are invited. Contributions should consist of a short abstract and presentation slides in Adobe PDF format(including animations) which will be collated on Conference Web pages (and in CD-ROM format) and made freely available to attendees.
In order to encourage use of OpenFOAM in the community, preference will be given to newcomers to OpenFOAM.
Organising Committee
Conference chair will be held by Hrvoje Jasak of Wikki Ltd. and FSB Zagreb, the original OpenFOAM developer.
- Tommaso Lucchini and Gianluca D'Errico, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Maryse Page and Martin Beaudoin, Hydro-Québec, Canada
- Alojz Ivankovic University College Dublin, Ireland. Due to Prof. Ivankovic's academic duties, Aleksandar Karac will take his place.
- Bernhard Gschaider, ICE Strömungsforschung GmbH, Austria
- Petr Vita, University of Leoben, Austria
Your Host
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture has kindly agreed to host the Workshop again, with support from the EU-sponsored Tempus NUSIC project. Politecnico di Milano has volunteered to organise the Third OpenFOAM Workshop next year: more information on the last day of the meeting.
The Workshop is organised to minimise the expenses and no official assistance with accomodation or travel will be provided. In order to help you with your arrangements, some helpful links are listed below. For further details, please contact the organisers and/or visit the Zagreb Tourist Board web site.