11-14 July 2023 Genoa – Italy
Following on from their first appearance at OFW12 in Exeter, this years Workshop will continue the tradition of “Splash Talks”. This “feature” aims to get contributions from the community that do not fit the other formats (regular presentations, posters, training lectures). Splash Talks are 3 minutes in duration with a limited number of slides. The aim of this format is to let people introduce themselves and a topic that they care about and get people who are interested to approach them about it.
Possible topics for a Splash Talks could be (this is not a complete list):
At previous Workshops, topics of the Splash Talks ranged from “k Dissipation-Diffusion Based Subgrid Scale Model” (serious science as you can tell from the title) to “Hammer to Fall” (an investigation of the aerodynamic properties of the different hammers the fictional character Thor uses in the different Avengers movies). But there were also technology talks like “A simple WebGUI for OpenFOAM” and talks about on-going research like “COVID Risks for Urban Buses”.
Please do not make your Splash Talk a duplicate of your regular presentation.
On the final day of the workshop (Friday, 14th July 2023), there will be a half-hour slot for Splash Talks. During these slots, there will be no “competition” from other presentations, so this is a good chance to address the entire conference. The time will be limited to 3 minutes, so make sure that you can do the presentation in that time. There will be no time for questions directly after the talk, but the audience is encouraged to reach out to speakers later during the Workshop.
If you would like to give a Splash Talk, send an email to Bernhard Gschaider (mail: bgschaid@hfd-research.com). This email should contain:
Make sure that the email has at least the Word “Splash” in the Subject-line. This allows filtering, and your application will not be lost. There is a limited number of slots, so send your application as soon as possible. You will get an acceptance notification at least one week before the Workshop (this should give you more than enough time to write ~5 slides). If your Splash Talk was not accepted, then approach Bernhard during the Workshop through the online platform.
Looking forward to your Splash Talk. And don’t be timid: this is exactly the place for the things you didn’t think that they were worthy of a full technical presentation.