11-14 July 2023 Genoa – Italy

Training Sessions

A central component of the OpenFOAM Workshop is training provided by experts within the community. These training sessions usually take place during the first day of the event, and the level can go from beginner to advanced.

The training sessions can cover any topic related to OpenFOAM or the lifecycle of a CFD simulation,

CAD → Meshing → Simulations → Post-processing → Automation and optimization → Data analytics and ML

If you are interested in delivering a training session, please fill in the template and send it to guerrero@wolfdynamics.com

Right  now we are not accepting more training session proposals.

Preliminary list of training sessions.

The details of each training session will be available later. Note that some sessions will take place on different dates.

  • First ParaView usage with OpenFOAM results. Mathieu Westphal, Kitware Europe.
  • Advanced ParaView usage with OpenFOAM results. Mathieu Westphal, Kitware Europe.
  • Getting started with OpenFOAM-preCICE for fluid-structure interaction simulations. Gerasimos Chourdakis, Technical University of Munich, Germany.
  • Setting up a reinforcement learning problem from scratch with drlFoam. Andre Weiner, TU Braunschweig, Germany.
  • Fantastic function objects and how to use them. Chiara Pesci, ESI Group.
  • Introduction to swak4Foam & PyFoam. Bernhard F.W. Gschaider.
  • Advanced swak4Foam & PyFoam. Bernhard F.W. Gschaider.
  • Solid mechanics and fluid-solid interactions using solids4foam-v2.0.  Philip Cardiff, University College Dublin.
  • Efficiently combining Machine Learning with OpenFOAM using SmartSim. Tomislav Maric, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
  • A Research Software Engineering workflow for OpenFOAM in university research groups. Moritz Schwarzmeier, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
  • How to setup and run OpenFOAM on AWS HPC clusters in the cloud. Neil Ashton, Amazon Web Services.
  • NULIMAS toolbox for seabed liquefaction. Ranjith Khumar Shanmugasundaram, WIKKI GmbH.
  • OpenFOAM Code Debugging and Profiling. Bruno Ramoa, Institute for Polymer and Composites, University of Minho, Portugal.
  • Turbulence modelling 101 + Hello from the Technical Committee for Turbulence. Timofey Mukha, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden – Joel Guerrero, University of Genoa, Italy.
  • A Research Software Engineering workflow for OpenFOAM in university research groups. Moritz Schwarzmeier, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Unit and Integration testing of OpenFOAM code. Mohammed Elwardi Fadeli, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
  • New Coherent I/O Format. Sergey Lesnik, Wikki GmbH.
  • Simulating thunderstorm winds on a complex environment using the ACMI and snappyhexmesh. Josip Zuzul, University of Genoa, Italy.
  • Easier meshing with snappyHexmesh and DICEHUB. Joel Guerrero, Wolf Dynamics, Italy.
  • Dynamic meshing strategies in OpenFOAM. Chandan Bose, The University of Birmingham, UK.
  • HPC4PE – Optimization of Profile Extrusion Dies in HPC Systems. Joao Vidal, Soprefa, Portugal – Miguel Nobrega, University of Minho, Portugal.
  • Automate your OpenFOAM cases and add OPT/ML to your simulation workflows. Joel Guerrero, Wolf Dynamics, Italy.
  • DAFoam: A discrete-adjoint for OpenFOAM to Enable Gradient-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. Bernardo Pacini, University of Michigan, USA.


Important note: all in-person training sessions will take place on 11JUL. The online (live) and pre-recorded sessions will be streamed on 14JUL.